I have launched a new subscribe button ! Make sure you hit them and you will get free marketing tips from me and be the first to read the amazing content ! You own a business, you contacted an advertising or digital marketing agency and you asked for their help. You reached out your smartphone and started to google. You got 5 companies in mind, and you reached out to them. At the end of the day, the conversation goes like this. "Hey, I need you to help me with my digital marketing, well at least my social media, what can you do?" "Here are some things that I could offer you, I would suggest you to..." I have worked as a part of advertising agency as well. Some of the clients got their traffic better than others. My question is are you the one with better traffic ? If you are not the one with better traffic after going to an digital marketing/ advertising agency, what might be the issue? Is it the advertising company's fault? yours? or both of you? ...
This is the blog where you can learn about digital marketing world and some service and tools to grow your business even more !