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2 EASY Steps to Make Your Social Media Successful

Keeping yourself up to date with the most recent trends is not easy. People are flooded with information from their phone. To make sure that they stick with a content, we should provide them with long term content. It means having unique, creative content that hook people up for a long period.

Why? Keeping people attracted to our content is considered as one indicator that our social media content is successful. Here are some way to achieve it. We will start from the most basic and executable steps. Are you ready to succeed? Here we go !

Start Using Social Media Calendar !📆🗓

A good social media strategy should cover at least 6-12 months, you might want to start creating a calendar. Sketching out details will definitely help us to look for topic that our audience are interested in.

Wondering where to start? Get yourself familiarized with tools that help you to do it. For example, take a look at the amazing Hootsuite. You can find the step by step on how to create a Social Media Calendar.
social media calendar template
An Example of a Social Media Calendar. Image taken from Hootsuite.
By doing so, you can see in a wider view. You have started the first step, which is aligning your social media goals with your business. The stages above are based on your business goal, which is important to be aligned. Energizing your social media action with yearly or periodic goal will elevate your company's performance.

For example, if you want to raise brand awareness, you can start sketching out things, starting from raising click through rate, make people know your brand by endorsing, advertisement, giving online discounts etc. However, if you want to increase your repurchase rate, we need people who would see our feeds from time to time, therefore, we can start by making people following our social media account and create engagements that reward their loyalty.

Narrow Down Your Audience🧒🏻👱🏻‍♀️

Whether you are on Facebook or Instagram or any other social media, you will be provided with analytics. The most basic use of analytic is to show your audience. Social Media help us to know our audience better, they know a lot about our user. It is a powerful tool that we must utilize. By doing so we can reach specific group easier. It comes from the concept of STP from Marketing. Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning. When you apply them to Social Media, it will definitely help you in a long run.

For example, we can see the demography of our user. Let's say the age is between 17-21 years old, female. Not only that, these women worship certain kind of celebrities. We could use this information to endorse our product. It helps us to cut down unnecessary advertising cost, we only use endorsement from celebrities related to our product.

If you have done the step above, remember that it is not an overnight result. Building presence on social media took some time for it is a gradual process. Promoting your ads through ads for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook will help you to reach your audience deeper.

Following those two steps and constant evaluation will help you to perform better on social media. Remember, utilizing analytics will become a determining factor whether you utilize the potential or not. Do not get discouraged, and start doing those steps. You can start seeing the result in about three months.


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